Ballinhassig Parish Bank Account details for online donations:
IBAN  IE44 AIBK 9343 2106 3352 61
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Ballinhassig Parish Fundraising Concert - Michael English

Friday 31st 8pm at Most Holy Heart of Mary, Goggins Hill.   Tickets 30 Euro.

Welcome to our Parish website.  Ballinhassig Parish is in the Diocese of Cork and Ross.  It includes the areas of Ballygarvan, Ballyheada and Goggin’s Hill.  Each area has its own church and school. There are many active groups and ministries in the Parish.  The members give generously of their time, energy and efforts in supporting the parishioners to become an active vibrant, Christian and caring community. 

We welcome all who have come to live in this Parish in recent times and encourage them to take an active role in the life of the parish.  The many and various groups in the Parish would welcome more help and new members.